November San Diego Calendar of Events
Thanksgiving is upon us and it's time to celebrate. San Diego has some great events over the next month. Check out the Heart to Hands food drive, Turkey Trots, Street Fairs and more! Celebrate Veteran's Day by attending golf tournament. So much to do in America's Finest City!
1. Heart to Hands Food Drive
The annual Heart to Hands Food Drive has raised over 22K pounds of food to help our neighbors in need. We are accepting human and pet food donations through Monday, December 12, 2022. Visit our web site.

2. Boogie Woogie Ball
Join Wounded Warrior Homes for a fun evening of live 1940's music from 'Gin & Tonix', plus dancing, dinner, silent & live auctions. We will be raising funds to house post-9/11 veterans challenged with PTSD & Traumatic Brain Injury. 100% of proceeds from this event go directly to support the Wounded Warrior Homes' veteran housing program.

3. San Diego Beer Week
10-day celebration, promoting more than 150 independent craft breweries in San Diego County. San Diego Beer Week is brought to you by the San Diego Brewers Guild, with participation from the region's local craft breweries, allied and affiliate members. Events being held throughout the San Diego County at participating breweries, bars, restaurants and more!

4. Coronado Island Film Festival
A return to our traditional festival format with in person screenings, special engagements, panels, culinary cinema series, and of course red carpet moments! Additionally, the festival plans to curate a select number of films that will screen online as part of our virtual fest.

5. Veterans Appreciation Golf Tournament
It will be an amazing day of fun with 18 holes, breakfast, lunch on the course, raffle and auction items to win, and awards at the end of the tournament!

6. Solana Beach Veterans Day Ceremony
The Camp Pendleton Young Marines as Color Guard, “Feathers from Heaven” Doves, the Santa Fe Christian School Band, and a special guest speaker who will address the community. City dignitaries and representatives from the Armed Forces will also be present. Light refreshments will be served.

7. Fallbrook Veterans Day Ceremony
Ceremony starts at 11am at the Post. Followed by a free lunch at the VFW.

8. Del Mar Racing
This fall, racing returns to America’s favorite seaside track with the annual running of the Bing Crosby Season. Don’t miss four weeks of Thoroughbred excitement – surrounded by the beauty of Del Mar.

9. Ride the Point Memorial Charity Bicycle Ride
Inspired by the late Jim Krause an avid bicyclist, Rotarian, and family man. Like all of us who ride, he loved getting out there with other cyclist for a day of riding, fun and comradery. He lived life to the fullest and dedicated himself to the cause of finding a cure for pancreatic cancer.

10. Holiday Market
Just in time for the Holidays, come support local San Diego businesses and find the perfect gifts! Food will be available in the lower garden.

11. Silver Strand Half Marathon, 10 Miler & Veterans Day 5K
Flat, Fast Run or Walk with the waves of the Pacific Ocean on your right and the San Diego Bay on your left and capping off your run with a California Beach Party!

12. Taste of Ocean Beach
Where culinary lovers will receive a digital tasting passport to enjoy 40+ food-alicious tasting samples from OB’s best restaurants, breweries, and wine bars, and enjoy the OB vibe with live music in downtown OB.

13. Wine & Lecture: Coronado Golf & Its Champions
The Coronado Historical Association invites you to the next lecture the Wine & Lecture series: Coronado Golf & Its Champions (1897-1905). Speaker David Mackesey will share the story of Coronado's earliest two golf links and the Coronado connection to Alex Smith, who went on to win the U.S. Open in 1906 and 1910.

14. Encinitas Holiday Street Fair
Children’s rides, two stages of live entertainment and food and drink refreshments provide an attractive setting for the public and a great boon to our vendors. Remember to bring your own bag(s) to collect all your street fair shopping.

15. San Diego Jazz Fest and Swing Extravaganza
A variety of musical artists performing traditional jazz, swing, blues, ragtime, boogie woogie, gospel, and rhythm & blues

16. Father Joe's Thanksgiving Day 5K Run & Walk
San Diego’s original and longest-standing Thanksgiving Day “turkey trot” is back, and it’s critical mission remains the same: To provide crucial funds to feed the homeless through Father Joe’s Villages’ meal program.

17. O'side Turkey Trot
The event offers a costume contest, the largest teams competition, fabulous live entertainment on the course, and finisher medals for all participants.

18. Julian Country Christmas Tree Lighting
We are so excited to bring you an all new experience for the tree lighting. Music and Holiday Performances throughout the afternoon Christmas Market. Santa Arrives and Greets the Kids (of all ages). This is a FREE event.

19. Julian Holiday Hayride
A country Christmas Celebration! Hayrides, caroling, hoedowns, jug band shows, ornament making, candle dipping, petting zoo, reptile show, archery, tomahawk throwing, slingshot gallery, treasure hunt, and more!

20. Fallbrook Thanksgiving Day Turkey Trot
A fun family Thanksgiving morning to come together with the community to raise money for the Fallbrook Village Rotary Club Foundation while feeling good and creating memories of a lifetime. Our goal is to raise funds for the Fallbrook Land Conservancy, Fallbrook Animal Sanctuary and the Fallbrook Community(s).